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The Benefits of learning Literature to Linguistics Importance
Learning literature has some3 benefits to the language. One of the benefits itself is for linguistics. It is going to be explained about the benefits of learning literature to the linguistics importance.
Briefly, we have already understood kinds of literary works that show how the language is fully and skillfully used. Meanwhile, how the language is used is based on the patterns. A search for patterns in the way how the language is used is involved in linguistic study. Knowing this, we truly understand that learning literature has beneficial effect to linguistic importance.
1.      What does linguistics importance mean?
 Previously, we have to know what is meant by linguistic importance. Linguistics is a scientific study of language and it has both importance and scope in understanding various components of the language, its origin, structure, vocalization, meaning in relation to the other fields of social human communication development. In other words, linguistics can be broadly broken into three categories or subfields of study. They are language form, language meaning, and language in context.
a.       The first subfields of linguistics are the study of language structures commonly named as grammar, the study of morphology ( the formation and composition of the words), the study of syntax ( the formation and composition of phrases and sentences from words) and phonology (sound system)
b.      The study of the language meaning is concerned with how languages employ logical structures and real word references to convey process and assign meaning, as well as to manage and resolve ambiguity. This category includes the study of semantics (how meaning is inferred from words and concepts) and pragmatics ( how meaning is inferred from context).
Language also looks at the broader context in which language is influenced by social, cultural, historical and political factors. This includes the study of evolutionary linguistics, historical linguistics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, neurolinguisctics, language acquisition and discourse analysis.
So, those are the scope of various components which are in linguistic they are called as linguistic importance because they have relation to social and human communication development in other word linguistic importance is linguistic component which have relation to the social and human of communication development.
2.      The benefits of learning literature to linguistics importance.
Literature provides both practical and theoretical advantages to the learner. Great works of literature illustrate the power and pleasure of language according to lee (1970) “ it is in literature that the resource of the language are most fully and skillfully used, it seems to follow that the literature should enter into the Language study of those who are to use the language eight the greatest possible skill and effect, (pp.1-2)
Based on above explanation, learning literature has great benefit to linguistic importance. Here is the list of benefits at learning literature to the linguistics importance.
a.       Literature shows many from the characteristics and purpose of conventional language. It means that literature shoe us how the linguistics components are used differently in some literary works because literary language doesn’t depend on conventional language itself.
b.      Literature models a wide range of communication strategies. It means that communication strategy in literature used in literary works. The use of communication strategies in literature is more various and not easily more complicated to get the understanding of such kind of literary work especially for English literary work.
c.       Literature is a teaching for all language skills extending, as povey writes, “linguistic knowledge by giving evidence of extensive and subtle vocabulary usage and complex and exact syntax” it means learning literature will automatically help the learners more skillful to the language skills which they need to support their linguistic components through the types of literary works they ever learn. As marquardt “the study of literature of the language is felt to be surest way to attain these more elusive qualities that go to make up a total mastery of the language”.

Briefly, literature extends linguistic knowledge theory the types literary works they ever learn. Especially for the ESL students who grasp the characteristic of literary language will have learned much about the various uses to which language itself.

·         Mariana, Lina S.S. 2012. Introduction to Literature. Kediri.



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