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A summary of Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

A gesture is a form of non-verbal communication in which visible bodily actions communicate particular messages, either in place of speech or together and in parallel with spoken words. Gestures include movement of the hands, face, or other parts of the body. Gestures differ from physical non-verbal communication that does not communicate specific messages, such as purely expressive displays, proxemics, or displays of joint attention. Gestures allow individuals to communicate a variety of feelings and thoughts, from contempt and hostility to approval and affection, often together with body language in addition to words when they speak.
Gesture processing takes place in areas of the brain such as Broca's and Wernicke's areas, which are used by speech and sign language.
Communicating with Gestures
by Judie Haynes
Very few gestures are universally understood and interpreted. What is perfectly acceptable in the United States may be rude, or even obscene, in other cultures.
Understanding Different Interpretations of Common Gestures
It is important for mainstream teachers to understand how the gestures they use unconsciously may be misunderstood. This activity allows participants to look a little closer at how body language might be interpreted by English Language Learners and their parents.
Demonstrate the gestures below and ask participants to write down what they think each gesture means. Participants should also indicate if they think the gesture is considered rude in the United States. Have group discuss how body language could influence communication between cultures.
  • Beckon with index finger.
  • Point at something in the room using index finger.
  • Make a "V" sign.
  • Smile.
  • Sit with sole of feet or shoe showing.
  • Form a circle with fingers to indicate “O.K.”
  • Pat a student on the head.
  • Pass an item to someone with one hand.
  • Wave hand with palm facing outward to greet someone.
  • Nod head up and down to say “Yes.”
Answer Key for Body Language Activities
Each of the following responses give a general guide to cultural differences in the meaning of gestures.
1. Beckon with index finger. This means “Come here” in the U.S. To motion with the index finger to call someone is insulting, or even obscene, in many cultures. Expect a reaction when you beckon to a student from the Middle or Far East; Portugal, Spain, Latin America, Japan, Indonesia and Hong Kong. It is more acceptable to beckon with the palm down, with fingers or whole hand waving.
2. Point at something in the room using index finger. It is impolite to point with the index finger in the Middle and Far East. Use an open hand or your thumb (in Indonesia)
3. Make a "V" sign. This means "Victory" in most of Europe when you make this sign with your palm facing away from you. If you face your palm in, the same gesture means "Shove it."
4. Smile. This gesture is universally understood. However, it various cultures there are different reasons for smiling. The Japanese may smile when they are confused or angry. In other parts of Asia, people may smile when they are embarrassed. People in other cultures may not smile at everyone to indicate a friendly greeting as we do in the United States. A smile may be reserved for friends. It is important not to judge students or their parents because they do not smile, or smile at what we would consider "inappropriate" times.
5. Sit with soles shoes showing. In many cultures this sends a rude message. In Thailand, Japan and France as well as countries of the Middle and Near East showing the soles of the feet demonstrates disrespect. You are exposing the lowest and dirtiest part of your body so this is insulting.
6. Form a circle with fingers to indicate “O.K.” Although this means “O.K.” in the U.S. and in many countries around the world, there are some notable exceptions:
  • In Brazil and Germany, this gesture is obscene.
  • In Japan, this means “money.”
  • In France, it has the additional meaning of “zero” or “worthless.”
7. Pat a student on the head. This is very upsetting to students from Asia. The head is the repository of the soul in the Buddhist religion. Children from cultures which are influenced by Buddhism will feel uncomfortable if their head is touched.
8. Pass an item to someone with one hand. - In Japan this is very rude. Even a very small item such as a pencil must be passed with two hands. In many Middle and Far Eastern countries it is rude to pass something with your left hand which is considered “unclean.”
9. Wave hand with the palm facing outward to greet someone. In Europe, waving the hand back and forth can mean “No.” To wave “good-bye,” raise the palm outward and wag the fingers in unison, This is also a serious insult in Nigeria if the hand is too close to another person’s face.
10. Nod head up and down to say “Yes.” In Bulgaria and Greece, this gesture means “No.”

  • A-ok or Okay, made by connecting the thumb and forefinger in a circle and holding the other fingers straight, may signal the word okay; especially as a diving signal. The same gesture is offensive in parts of southern Europe and South America.
  • Beckoning sign. In North America or Northern Europe a beckoning sign is made with the index finger sticking out of the clenched fist, palm facing the gesturer. The finger moves repeatedly towards the gesturer (in a hook) as to draw something nearer. It has the general meaning of "come here."In Northern Africa (Maghreb), calling someone is done using the full hand. In several Asian and European countries, a beckoning sign is made with a scratching motion with all four fingers and with the palm down. In Japan the palm faces the recipient with the hand at head's height.
  • Benediction and blessing. The benediction gesture is a raised right hand with the ring and little finger fingers touching the palm, while the middle and index fingers remain raised. Taken from Ancient Roman iconography for speaking (an example is the Augustus of Prima Porta where the emperor Augustus assumes the pose of an orator in addressing his troops), often called the benediction gesture, is used by the Christian clergy to perform blessings with the sign of the cross; however Christians keep the thumb raised — the three raised fingers (index, middle, and thumb) are frequently allegorically interpreted as representing the three Persons of the Holy Trinity
  • Blah-blah. The fingers are kept straight and together, held horizontal or upwards, while the thumb points downwards. The fingers and thumb then snap together repeatedly to suggest a mouth talking. The gesture can be used to indicate that someone talks too much, gossips, is saying nothing of any consequence, or is boring.
  • Check, please. This gesture, used to mean that a dinner patron wishes to pay the bill and depart, is executed by touching the index finger and thumb together and "writing" a checkmark, circle, or wavy line (as if signing one's name) in the air.
  • Clinton thumb. The gesture dubbed the "Clinton thumb" after one of its most famous users, Bill Clinton, is used by politicians to provide emphasis in speeches. This gesture has the thumb leaning against the thumb-side portion of the index finger, which is part of a closed fist. It does not exhibit the anger of the clenched fist or pointing finger, and so is thought to be less threatening. This gesture was likely adopted by Clinton from John F. Kennedy, who can be seen using it in many speeches during his political career.
  • Cuckoo sign, touched or screw loose. In North America, making a circling motion of the index finger at the ear or side of the head signifies that the person "has a screw loose," i.e. is speaking nonsense or is crazy.[6][9]
  • Dap greeting is a form of handshake recently popularized in western cultures, related to the fist bump.
The "fig sign" is an ancient gesture with many uses.
  • Fig sign is a gesture made with the hand and fingers curled and the thumb thrust between the middle and index fingers, or, rarely, the middle and ring fingers, forming the fist so that the thumb partly pokes out. In some areas of the world, the gesture is considered a good luck charm; in others (including France, Greece, Russia, and Turkey among others), it is considered an obscene gesture. The precise origin of the gesture is unknown, but many historians speculate that it refers to female genitalia. In ancient Greece, this gesture was a fertility and good luck charm designed to ward off evil. This usage has survived in Portugal and Brazil, where carved images of hands in this gesture are used in good luck talismans.[9]
  • Finger gun is a hand gesture in which the subject uses their hand to mimic a handgun. If pointed to oneself, it may indicate boredom or awkwardness; when pointed to another, it is interpreted as a threat of violence, either genuine or in jest.
  • Fist pump is a celebratory gesture in which a closed fist is raised before the torso and subsequently drawn down in a vigorous, swift motion.
  • Handshake is a greeting ritual in which two people grasp each others' hands and may move their grasped hands up and down.
  • High five is a celebratory ritual in which two people simultaneously raise one hand and then slap these hands together.
  • Hitchhiking gestures including sticking one thumb upward, especially in North America, or pointing an index finger toward the road elsewhere to request a ride in an automobile.
  • ILY sign combines the letters 'I', 'L', and 'Y' from American Sign Language by extending the thumb, index finger, and little finger while the middle and ring finger touch the palm. It is an informal expression of love.[12]
  • Knocking on wood is a superstitious gesture used to ensure that a good thing will continue to occur after it has been acknowledged. However, it is sometimes used after speaking of a plausible unfortunate event, so that it does not actually occur.
  • Kodály hand signs are a series of visual aids used during singing lessons in the Kodály method.
  • Loser, made by extending the thumb and forefinger to resemble the letter L is an insulting gesture.
  • Money sign. The thumb rubs repeatedly over the tip of the index finger and middle finger. This gesture resembles the act of rubbing coins or bills together and is generally used when speaking about money.[9]
  • Moutza is a traditional insult gesture in Greece made by extending all five fingers toward the person being insulted.
  • Patience. Palm up, index and middle fingers touching the thumb, remaining fingers folded against the palm, and wrist bending slightly, up and down about three times, so that the touching fingers move toward and away from the gesturer. This gesture is used as a reproachful and exasperated request for patience in response to a request to be served immediately out of turn or for something to happen faster than is possible.[citation needed]
  • Pointing with index finger may be used to indicate an item or person. In North America, an extended index finger may be used to point at something.[6]
  • Poking, tapping or jabbing a person with an extended finger, may be used to call for attention to tease the person poked.
Pollice Verso by Jean-Léon Gérôme.
  • Raised fist is a salute and logo most often used by leftist activists.
  • Roman salute is a salute made by a small group of people holding their arms outward with finger tips touching. It was adopted by the Italian Fascists and likely inspired the Hitler salute.
  • Salute refers to a number of gestures used to display respect, especially among armed forces.
  • Shaka sign consists of extending the thumb and pinky finger upward. It is used as a gesture of friendship in Hawaii.
  • Shocker is a hand gesture with a sexual connotation. The ring finger and thumb are curled or bent down while the other fingers are extended.
  • Sic 'em Bears is the yell and hand gesture used to support Baylor University athletics. The gesture is made by raising one hand and curling the fingers to resemble a bear's claws
  • Sign of the horns is a hand gesture with a vulgar meaning in some Mediterranean countries, made by extending the index and pinky finger straight upward.
  • Talk to the hand is an English language slang expression of contempt popular during the 1990s. The associated hand gesture consists of extending a palm toward the person insulted.
  • Telephone. Thumb and pinky outstretched, other fingers tight against palm. Thumb to ear and pinky to mouth as though they were a telephone receiver. Used to say, "I'll call you," or may be used to request a future telephone conversation or to tell someone of a call.[13]
  • Thumbs Up or Thumbs Down are common gestures of approval or disapproval made by extending the thumb upward or downward.
  • V sign is made by raising the index and middle fingers and separating them to form a V. With the back of the hand facing outwards this is an offensive gesture in the United Kingdom. With the palm facing outwards this sign began to be used during World War II to indicate "V for Victory". In the United States it is used to mean "peace".[citation needed]
  • Varadamudra is a mudra for dispensing boons. It is made with all fingers of the left hand pointing downward.
  • Vulcan salute was used in the television program Star Trek. It consists of all fingers raised and parted between the ring and middle fingers with the thumb sticking out to the side.
  • Waiting gesture is made by rapidly tapping with the fingers on a rough surface. The thumb is usually not used, and the other four fingers hit the surface in turn; the tapping sequence may be repeated a few times. The gesture denotes either impatience or feeling mildly insulted.
  • Wanker gesture is made by curling the fingers into a loose fist and moving the hand up and down as though masturbating. The gesture has the same meaning as the English slang insult, "wanker", or might indicate a failure or waste.
  • Wave is a gesture in which the hand is raised and moved back and forth, as a greeting or sign of departure. The gesture can be used to attract attention at a distance. Most commonly, though, the gesture means quite simply "hello" or "goodbye".[9][14]
  • World's Smallest Violin (also called "How Sad" or "World's Smallest Violin Playing Hearts and Flowers") is made by rubbing the thumb and forefinger together, to imitate bowing a violin. This gesture is used to express sarcasm and lack of sympathy, in response to someone exaggerating a sad story or unfair treatment.
  • Zogist salute is a military salute instituted by Zog I of Albania.
Two-hand gestures
  • Air quotes are made by raising both hands to eye level and flexing the index and middle fingers of both hands while speaking. Their meaning is similar to that of scare quotes in writing.
  • Añjali Mudrā is a sign of respect among yoga practitioners. It is made by pressing the palms together.
  • Applause is an expression of approval made by clapping the hands together to create noise.
  • Batsu. In Japanese culture, the batsu (literally: ×-mark) is a gesture made by crossing one's arms in the shape of an "X" in front of them in order to indicate that something is "wrong" or "no good".[15]
  • Bras d'honneur is an obscene gesture made by flexing one elbow while gripping the inside of the bent arm with the opposite hand.
  • Gator Chomp displays support for University of Florida athletic teams. The gesture is made by extending both arms in front of the chest and clapping the hands vertically.
  • Guns up is the slogan and accompanying gesture of Texas Tech University. The gesture is made by extending the index fingers and thumbs of both hands.
  • Hand-rubbing, rubbing both hands together, indicates either one feels cold or one is expecting or anticipating something.
  • Jazz hands are used in dance or other performances by displaying the palms of both hands with fingers splayed.
  • Shame on you is performed by grazing the side of one index finger with the other index finger, and used to express disappointment or grief with a person, or that they deserve shame for their actions.
  • Time-out — a "T" formed with the hands, with one hand with flat palm placed perpendicular to the other hand with flat palm, roughly in the center — originates in American sports. It is used by players to signal for a time out, or brief pause in play. In basketball, the gesture is additionally used by referees to indicate that a player or coach is guilty of a technical foul.[citation needed]
  • Victory clasp is used to exclaim victory by clasping the hands together and shaking them to one's side.
  • Whatever - made with the thumb and forefinger of both hands, to form the letter “W”. Used to signal that something is not worth the time and energy. Popularized by the movie Clueless (film).[16]
Gestures made with other body parts
  • Air kiss conveys meanings similar to kissing, but is performed without making bodily contact.
  • Akanbe is performed by pulling a lower eyelid down to expose the red underneath, and is a childish insult in Japanese culture.
  • Anasyrma is performed by lifting the skirt or kilt. It is used in some religious rituals.
  • Biting one's thumb was an old rude British gesture. It is comparable to "the finger" in modern terms. In William Shakespeare's play Romeo and Juliet, Capulet's servant Sampson precipitates a brawl by biting his thumb at the Montague's servant Abraham (Act 1, Scene 1).[17] In the scene, it appears that biting one's thumb in Verona is a non-verbal equivalent of fighting words. Sampson explains the meaning of the gesture to his companion Gregory, suggesting that the gesture could have been unfamiliar even to the original audience of the play. The play does not describe the gesture in detail, but in performances of the play it is often enacted by placing the thumb upright (as in a "thumbs up" sign) just behind the upper incisors, then flicking the thumb outward in the direction of person the gesture is meant to insult. The gesture implies cowardice, someone who would "take the fig"[citation needed]. The gesture is also a traditional Sicilian insult meaning 'to hell with you'.[18]
  • Bowing, lowering the torso or head, is a show of respect in many cultures.
  • Cheek kissing, pressing ones lips to another person's cheek, may show friendship or greeting.
The choking sign
  • Choking sign to indicate that one is choking is to hold the throat with one or both hands as if strangling oneself. This is recognized as a request for immediate first aid for choking. It is promoted as a way to prevent onlookers from confusing the victim's distress with some other problem, such as a heart attack, when the person cannot speak.[citation needed]
  • Curtsey is a gesture of greeting typically made by women. It is performed by bending the knees while bowing the head.
  • Dhyanamudra, sitting with both hands in the lap, signifies concentration.
  • Drinking sign. In UK, the gesture for drinking (used for example as an invitation to "go down the pub") is made by putting the back of the thumb just below the lower lip, while the other fingers are close together as if holding an imaginary pint of beer, tipping it repeatedly. This gesture can also be used to imply that somebody is drunk, either literally or insultingly.[citation needed]
  • Elbow bump is a greeting similar to the hand shake or fist bump made by touching elbows.
  • Eskimo kissing is a gesture in Western cultures loosely based on an Inuit greeting. It is performed by two people touching noses.
  • Eye-rolling, performed by rotating the eyes upward and back down, can indicate incredulity, contempt, boredom, frustration, or exasperation. The gesture can be unconscious or can be performed consciously. The gesture occurs in many countries of the world, and is especially common among adolescents.
  • Facepalm is an expression of frustration or embarrassment made by raising the palm of the hand to the face. An internet meme references the gesture.
  • Genuflection is a show of respect by bending at least one knee to the ground.
  • Hand-kissing is a greeting made by kissing the hand of a person worthy of respect.
  • Hand over heart involves placing one's right hand, palm outstretched and facing in, over one's heart. Male hat or cap wearers typically remove their hats and hold them in this hand. In some cultures, it is used as a gesture of respect towards flags or during singing of a national anthem. In the United States, it is also performed as a part of the rituals of the Pledge of Allegiance.[citation needed]
  • Hat tip or doff is a salutation or show of respect made by two people removing their hats.
  • Kowtow shows respect by bowing deeply and touching one's head to the ground.
  • Mooning is a show of disrespect by displaying one's bare buttocks.
  • Nod, tilting the head up and down, may indicate assent in Western Europe, North America, and the Indian subcontinent, among other places. It also means the opposite in other places, such as Bulgaria.[citation needed]
  • Touching or tapping the side of the nose with the index finger means "we share a secret". It is of British origin and then was popularized in America by the movie The Sting.[citation needed]
  • Orant is a gesture made during prayer in which the hands are raised with palms facing outward.
  • Puppy face consists of tilting the head down with eyes looking up. It has a number of uses.
  • Putting a slightly cupped hand, with palm down, under the chin and then flicking the fingers out (usually once or twice) is a common gesture in Italy for expressing indifference. This gesture became the center of a controversy in March 2006, when Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was photographed allegedly making the gesture to illustrate his response to his critics. Boston Herald reporter misinterpreted it as "obscene" but Scalia later explained that he merely meant "I couldn't care less."
  • Shrug, lifting both shoulders, indicates lack of knowledge or concern.
  • Sampeah is a Cambodian greeting or gesture of respect made by pressing the palms together while bowing.
  • Shush gesture is used to demand or request silence from those to whom it is directed. The index finger of one hand is extended, with the remaining fingers curled toward the palm with the thumb forming a fist. The index finger is placed vertically in front of the lips.
  • Thai greeting, or wai, shows respect or reverence by pressing the palms together.
The "cut-throat" or throat slash sign
  • Throat slash is made by moving one's finger across one's throat; the gesture imitates cutting a person's throat with a blade. The gesture indicates strong disapproval, extreme anger, or displeasure with others or with oneself.[9] It can also be a direction to another party to bring an action to an end and is done in order for the sign initiator to avoid speaking, whether for social decorum, for audio recording purposes or inability to communicate vocally.[citation needed]
  • Thumbing the nose is a sign of derision in Britain made by putting your thumb on your nose and wiggling your fingers.[4] This gesture is also known as Anne's Fan or Queen Anne's Fan, and is sometimes referred to as cocking a snook.
  • Twisting the cheek. Thumb and forefinger are placed against the cheek, and a screwing motion, as if making a dimple, is made by twisting the wrist. In Italian culture this can mean "I see a pretty girl" or that something is delicious. In Germany the gesture can be used to suggest that someone is crazy.
  • Zemnoy poklon or "Great bow" is used in some Eastern Orthodox Christian rituals. It consists of bowing deeply and lowering one's head to the ground


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